At City Academy, students benefit from a range of established partnerships and projects, such as Lion Heart, Football Beyond Borders, Goldman Sachs and Hippodrome Education Network with Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre. This is in addition to the wealth of performing arts opportunities available in the form of the COREus choir and CORE Education Trust’s Echo Eternal.
We aim to utilise the extensive wealth of opportunity within the city through visits to businesses, colleges, and universities. We do this to enhance the student experience and ensure that students are fully prepared for life after school whether that be further and higher education, or apprenticeships and work.
COREus is a trust-wide vocal group, bringing together students from all four CORE academies to develop their vocal skills and abilities. Working with professional voice coaches and conductors from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (part of Birmingham City University), the COREus students, from Years 8-10, are taught a range of singing skill and performance techniques, to breathe, warm up and use their body to get the best sound.
COREus is offered to students across the trust, as part of a wider creative education and music engagement programme, delivered in partnership with the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Recent projects include recording a charity Christmas single, which raised money for Shelter; a live performance on the concourse of Birmingham New Street Station to mark Holocaust Memorial Day; and taking part in “The Voice of our City” A community event celebrating the diversity and passion of young people from across Birmingham.

Echo Eternal
Echo Eternal is a commemorative arts engagement programme inspired by Holocaust survivor testimony to promote respect and understanding between different communities. Through the project, students will discover more about the remarkable life of Holocaust survivor, Maurice Blik.
Students are passionate about affecting change and we have a group of 20 students involved in a Youth Social Action project. They have pledged to make change in our community and ware working on a project that will impact on environmental issues in our area.
Find out more about Echo Eternal
Pearson Teaching Award
Selected from thousands of nominations, the Echo Eternal Project from CORE Education Trust was named as one of the nation’s most inspirational school partnerships, winning a Pearson National Teaching Gold Award 2020 for Impact Through Partnership for outstanding commitment to changing the lives of young people through the Trust’s work.

UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award
Our school’s vision and values have at their heart the importance of treating each other as we would want to be treated ourselves, with #RESPECT and dignity, making sure that each person is valued. This is one of the reasons why the work of UNICEF and Rights Respecting Schools is so significant to us.
We are incredibly proud to be a Rights Respecting school and of having achieved the Bronze: Rights Respecting level.
The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. The RRSA seeks to put the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s ethos and culture to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.
A rights-respecting school is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted. Young people and the school community learn about children’s rights by putting them into practice every day.
We feel it is important that when children learn about their rights it is important that deeper connections are also made in their understanding about the nature of rights so they are taught the ABCDE of their rights.
• Rights-respecting values underpin leadership and management.
• The whole school community learns about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
• The school has a rights-respecting ethos.
• Children are empowered to become active citizens and learners.