City Academy is an 11-16-years school.
We have 150 places available in Year 7 each year.
Applications for admission to the Academy in Year 7 must be made via Birmingham City Council’s Common Application Form. The process for transfer into a secondary school, including the deadlines for applications, and the link to the common application form can be found on the Birmingham City Council website at: Birmingham School Admissions
If there are more applications than there are places available at the Academy, then places will be awarded on the oversubscription criteria set out in our admissions arrangements available below:
Admissions Policy City Academy 2024-2025
Admissions Policy City Academy 2025-2026
Admissions Policy City Academy 2026-2027
Any child with an Education and Health Care Plan which names the Academy is required to be admitted. This gives such children overall priority for admission. This is not an oversubscription criterion.
Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in-year admissions) should be made directly to the school. Email: [email protected]
Parents/Carers can apply for a place for their child at any time, and to any school. The school will notify parents of the decision in writing within 15 school days and will inform the local authority of both the application and its outcome, to allow the Local Authority to keep up to date with figures on the availability of school places in Birmingham.
Birmingham City Council Admissions
Tel: 0121 303 1888
Email: [email protected]